Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9.11: The lessons it carried.

Today we remember those who were senselessly murdered, those who died rescuing others, and the families they left behind whose lives will never be the same.  Let’s honor them by remembering the power of unity that brought us healing, strength and the flood of love that poured following the horrific attacks of 9-11-01.

What I felt during 9-11 was as if I were in a dream. Everything felt so surreal. I was going through the motions in disbelief of what I was seeing and hearing.  What truly impressed me was the love and unity that arose from the ashes of that gruesome day.   
It was through comforting and healing others that we found comfort and healing ourselves. It was through our hearts being broken that we expanded our love.  The greatest lesson from 9-11 was the danger of separation; of teaching any religion that does not promulgate love, unity and acceptance; of seeing others as less than ourselves; of failing to realize that we are one.  It is by dehumanizing another person that someone can commit a hideous crime without empathy such as murdering one person or in the case of 9-11, thousands of human beings.  This is the danger when any human being feels  superior to another, feels entitled to more than another, feels that their way is better than any other and the only way to live by.  

Let's truly honor those who died by continuing to spread that love and unity that we felt after 9-11 and by remembering that WE ARE ONE.  

In unity
Monica Puig